Monday, February 23, 2009

Birthday Celebration!

Oh my word ... can it be?? Can this adorable little baby boy ...
(my nephew Brody, at just a couple months old)

... be one year old already?? I can't believe how much he's grown!

My Brody boy turned one on February 20th. Big brother did pretty well, considering we had 3 birthdays for the little guy! He had so much fun digging into his cake, and then into his sundae at the restaurant. And oh, the presents! Although he would've been happy with just one present - he'll have so much fun playing with all of them. And he'll be a well dressed little boy, too!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I officially stink at blogging. I lead somewhat of a boring life, at least it would be to others. There are plenty of things that happen throughout my days, however a lot of it happens at work and I can't share the stories (HIPAA) - and the rest of the things that happen I'm just not good at writing about. For instance vacation ... the one that in my mind, I was going to create this hilariously entertaining narration of what happened on the trip to/from Disney. But it never got further than that - my mind. I don't know if it's that I don't make time for blogging, that I can't come up with anything to write, or that I just plain can't write. My bet is on the last one ... I can BS my way through a paper for school in no time, but finding the words to describe events in my life is a little more difficult for me - I'm just not that creative!!

So I'm going to try to quit being so lazy, and actually try to blog on a more regular basis. The Griswold Family Vacation Part 1, coming soon!!