Sunday, February 15, 2009


I officially stink at blogging. I lead somewhat of a boring life, at least it would be to others. There are plenty of things that happen throughout my days, however a lot of it happens at work and I can't share the stories (HIPAA) - and the rest of the things that happen I'm just not good at writing about. For instance vacation ... the one that in my mind, I was going to create this hilariously entertaining narration of what happened on the trip to/from Disney. But it never got further than that - my mind. I don't know if it's that I don't make time for blogging, that I can't come up with anything to write, or that I just plain can't write. My bet is on the last one ... I can BS my way through a paper for school in no time, but finding the words to describe events in my life is a little more difficult for me - I'm just not that creative!!

So I'm going to try to quit being so lazy, and actually try to blog on a more regular basis. The Griswold Family Vacation Part 1, coming soon!!

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